Intuitive project resource management software Features

Project resource planning

Project resource planning

Silverbucket allows swift, streamlined resource management. It is also easy to build project teams.

Allocate people or roles.

Allocate people or roles.

Do you know who is in your project team? Great! Then you can add the people you need to your project and start allocating resources. If you don’t know yet – no problem! Silverbucket allows you to make resource allocations for specific roles, so you will see how the role requirements affect your overall capacity and which skills you need for your project.

Resource management by task. Timelines with Gantt chart.

You can allocate a person or role to a task if you need more fine-grained resource management. Tasks can be utilized to outline the project schedule using Silverbucket's Gantt chart functionality. Planning and viewing project timelines is made easy.

Resource management by task.
Change plans easily.

Change plans easily.

Update a person’s resource planning in seconds. You can change plans quickly in several different views and change the allocation level by dragging over the desired time interval with the desired level. With the Max function, you can directly reserve a person's capacity based on their availability, avoiding overbookings.​ Drag-and-drop functionality enables you to drag allocations from unassigned roles to persons effortlessly.

Project risk management.

Projects change constantly. You can manage this change by thinking about the project risks. Silverbucket’s risk management helps you to keep track of these. You can specify your desired risk types and filter projects by factors such as risk level. This enables you to react to changes before they pose a threat to your project.

Project risk management.
Projects summarised in a single view.

Projects summarised in a single view.

Sometimes it can be helpful to view all your projects at once. You can filter information from several perspectives and build an overview of the progress of your projects. The analysis can be visualised in terms of milestones, numerical data or risk history.

Tentative reservations to help with project planning.

Project plans can change. Or perhaps you are still drafting the next steps in the project. In situations like these, you can make tentative allocations to help you prepare a resource plan. When the plan is confirmed, it is a simple matter to change tentative allocations into confirmed allocations.

Tentative reservations to help with project planning.
Programs keep everything organised.

Programs keep everything organised.

Bundle several projects together under a program. This provides you with an overview of several projects that all belong under the same program. This makes it easy to manage larger entities while preparing precise resource plans.

Resourcing requests bring structure to planning.

Do you need a more formal way of handling resources? Use resource requests to divide the workload evenly among everyone and ensure that the same people do not get overburdened.

Resourcing requests bring structure to planning.
Silverbucket article

What are the benefits of a project resourcing software?

We have created a guide where you will find best practices in project resource planning. This guide will give you tips about how to increase profitability via resourcing and optimise project resourcing.

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